Guess Who's Back?

Well this looks like a job for me
So everyone, just follow me
'Cause we need a little...controversy
'Cause it feels so empty without me.

- Eminem, "Without Me" (2002)
Speak of the Devil...and the Devil appears.

Proving that no one ever falls too far in the politics of this blessed land, even after becoming an object of international ridicule, the lead candidate to replaced Ishii Hajime, he of the unfortunate ardor for Philippine vacations, as the chairman of the House of Councillors budget committee, the #2 most influential post in the chamber, is none other than the politician whose name I was using as a pejorative general noun two days ago. (J).

Senator Yanagida, in case you are asked, remember:

"I am humbled by the responsibilities bestowed upon me. Mine is a very hard job...and I will definitely use lots and lots of different phrases while doing it." (E)