Most homes of the year win because of their exceptional green grass. Some grasses have thick course blades, and others are more thin and smooth and grow thicker. However, different grass grows in different kinds of soil. Ask someone in your local home improvement store which grass grows best in your area.
Planting a flower garden is one of the easiest things you can do to improve your yard. It is important to find flowers with height and colors that complement each other. Just like the house required planning to build, a good garden requires planning. Researching types of flowers and whether or not they are perennial or annual will help you plant a better garden.
Trees also help to improve the look of a front yard. Palmetto trees often look nice at the edge of the curb. Two Dogwood trees, one at either side of the yard, bring color to your yard in the spring and summer and add curb appeal to your home. One Dogwood in the middle of the yard also adds color and style.
Regardless of what type of tree you decide to put in your yard, be sure to plant it so that it is at least 5 feet away from your home when fully grown. Homes need room to breathe; having a tree planted too close could eventually cause the home to rot where air is not coming through. Keep an eye on branches so that they do not tower over the roof of your home and become a potential hazard.
If your front yard is big enough, another idea that helps bring a look of tranquility to the yard is a small pond or fountain. If you decide to place a pond in your front yard, adding some stones and rocks to the outside and planting lily pads will bring a unique look and design to your front yard. Bird baths also help enhance the look of a yard, and the birds are entertaining to watch.