Open Shelves in the Kitchen.

I really love the look of having open shelves in ones kitchen showcasing ones beautiful wares. But, I struggle enough with having a clutter free countertop that I know whilst I really, really love this look, I would be crazy to embrace it in my own kitchen. I am not very efficient at consistently keeping things organized where I would  feel comfortable enough to dare 'place it all on display'. In fact, I am happy that I am able to hide all my “disorganization” behind my lovely cupboard doors. Nonetheless, each time I see

a kitchen space like this with open shelves with everything looking so pretty AND organized, I feel warm and fuzzy inside.

How do you all feel about open shelves in the kitchen? One day, when my boys are older, maybe then I'll have the time to be able to keep it all organized in the kitchen and show it all off with my open shelves... Happy Tuesday everyone and a warm welcome to my new readers:-)! XX

P.S. Apologies about the lack of posts and visits. I’ve  just been extremely busy being Mommy.

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